October 25, 2010

How 4 Words Could Have Forever Changed The Legacy of LeBron James

ESPN's recent series on the fallout of LeBron's "The Decision" showed fans across Cleveland saying "F*** you, LeBron," "Never come back to Ohio," "We're better without you."

LeBron and his right-hand man Maverick Carter said they set up The Decision to raise money.  But fans across America saw something else.  They saw Brett Favre, waffling, holding a franchise hostage, (or in this case, a few franchises), becoming a media spectacle.  Ultimately, they saw all things come together to make LeBron what Americans despise about celebrities: egotistical, self-serving, and a sell out.

Am I saying LeBron is these things? No. Public opinion seems to voice it, though.  However, LeBron's legacy (as unwritten and unfinished as it is) could at this very moment sit polar opposite where it does now with just four words:

I'm staying in Cleveland.

October 22, 2010

Sloan Speak: "Jackpotting Around" gets official recognition

Jerry Sloan's now ubiquitous term "jackpotting around" received official recognition by one of the most prestigious online dictionaries available (click on the pic for a better view):

The coach was not available for comment on the momentous occasion.

Former Jazz beat writer Ross Siler weighs in with more clarification:

October 20, 2010

The team Magic Johnson MUST buy

If Magic Johnson selling his share of the Lakers and all his Starbucks franchises (including the one in Compton -- we were there on the day it opened!) is an indication he is gearing up to buy an NBA team, then here is the obvious choice for the team he should buy, new logo included:

New Jazz unis from Jazz fan fest

These were the pics of the new unis I snapped from Jazz fan fest that subsequently made it all over the internet, including on UniWatch blog.

October 19, 2010

Coming soon...

When we have thoughts etc. about the NBA (and usually the Utah Jazz), we'll post them here.